
My thoughts on life, love, family, friends, and God.

12: Wayne Newton 2001

For someone who’s memorable concerts have included hardcore/screamo and rock bands, this has got to make you go “huh?”. Firstly, I blame my Grandmother, bless her heart.

The story is we were in Las Vegas the weekend before my 16th birthday to celebrate. Mom wanted to go see the Impersonators, I wanted to go see David Cassidy, and Nana wanted to go see Wayne Newton. And she got her wish. I have to admit it was pretty fun, even though he’s pretty vulgar. I was mature enough at 16 to handle it. No panties were thrown, close enough though.

When he came down to the audience through the tables, he gave my Nana a kiss. Oh she was SO happy! That alone made it worthwhile. But hey, how many 16 year olds can say they saw Wayne Newton at the Stardust on the Vegas Strip for their 16th birthday??


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