
My thoughts on life, love, family, friends, and God.

November is a dreaded month for NASCAR enthusiasts, however it was something I've been looking forward to for months. That is until the whole month went to hell...

It really started off on the wrong foot with me getting a cold a few short hours before I was set to go to a NaNoWriMo write in party-the Midnight Dash-at the IHOP. And don't even get me started on Election day! It really was bad enough that I had to attend the Election day party with a cold...arg!

There were a few good points in the month though! For one thing, I got to attend the Tucson Celtic Festival on November 1st, and yes I was still quite sick. The way I look at it, I could have been miserable at home or miserable at the Celtic Festival.

So anyway, its now the NASCAR offseason, and I'm bored. Yeah, I know, NASCAR is only on the weekends, but there's no practice, no Raceday, no Happy Hour-nothing. Granted I don't watch any of that very often, but its nice to know its there.

Well, there's still the banquet-December 5th. Of course, I wont even be home. Thank God for DVR.

Well I guess I'll have to depend on football to hold me over for the nexxt 78 days! Check out my sweet Daytona countdown clock...

♥ Gen


You can watch cool NASCAR DVDs.

And remember that people are just about as happy as they want to be. Happiness is a choice, not a reaction to stimuli.

Hi, Just found your site.

THE OFF SEASON REALLY SUCKS!...to put it lightly. I am scouring the internet and cable channels right now looking for ANY KIND of racing and can not find anything.

PINKS is on speed all day/night but I have seen most of those episodes.

I just started my website Racing News Digest if your interested in stopping by.

I have message boards that you could come over and vent at if you would like.

Hope you have a good rest of the weekend.


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